Saturday, October 11, 2008

Justice is truth in action.

This quote is from Chief Justice Brandeis. Apparently Alaskan justice
is not acquainted with the principles of this learned gentleman.

My ex husband was able to go into court and tell any lie he chose to get a ruling his way. Of course for the first four months he had a professional liar (spelled lawyer).

Every motion they made was based on a falsehood. I would dutifully research the points and file my own motions, complete with documentation and footnotes to substantiate my arguments.

All the checks he bounced. All the trips to the ATM for drug money. All the unpaid bills.

Poor thing told the Judge he had no money. I was not entitled to proceeds of the business we build together for a dozen years.

Consistently my motions were denied. Then, light at the end of the tunnel. I WON an argument! My motion was granted. Hosanna, now he would make my mortgage payment while I struggled to get back on my feet. He had, after all, our accounts receivable worth over $100,000.00

Surely now justice would prevail. The Judge has seen the light -or has he?

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